Proper maintenance of your contact lenses is essential for preserving eye health and prolonging the lifespan of the lenses. Whether you wear overnight, hard, or multifocal lenses in Singapore, adhering to appropriate care routines can reduce the risk of infections, discomfort, and vision issues.

Discover the recommended practices for maintaining each lens type, enabling you to safeguard your eyes and maintain the quality of your lenses.

Night Lenses Care

Cleaning and Disinfection

Night lenses, also known as orthokeratology lenses, are worn overnight to reshape the cornea and correct vision temporarily. Proper cleaning and disinfection are necessary for these accessories. Use a recommended multi-purpose solution to clean the lenses each morning. Rub the lenses gently between your fingers or in the palm of your hand with the solution to remove debris and protein buildup.


Store night lenses in a clean lens case filled with fresh disinfecting solution. Replace the solution daily to prevent microbial growth. Do not use tap water or saliva to clean or store lenses because they can introduce harmful microorganisms.

Handling Tips

Wash and dry your hands thoroughly before handling night lenses. Avoid using moisturising soaps as they can leave residues on the lenses. Always insert the lenses before applying makeup and remove them before cleaning makeup to avoid contamination.

Replacement Schedule

Follow the replacement schedule provided by your eye care professional. Night lenses are typically replaced every one to two years, but this may vary based on the specific lens and wearer’s needs. Regular check-ups are essential to monitor the health of your eyes and the fit of the lenses.

Hard Contact Lens Care

Daily Cleaning

Hard contact or rigid gas-permeable (RGP) lenses require thorough daily cleaning. Use a recommended lens cleaner and rub the lenses gently to remove any deposits. Rinse with a sterile saline solution to wash away the cleaner and debris.


Clean hard contact lenses by soaking them in a disinfecting solution overnight. Use the solution recommended by your optometrist to ensure compatibility with your lenses. Do not mix different brands of solutions because they may interact negatively.


Store hard contact lenses in a clean lens case filled with a fresh disinfecting solution. Clean the case with hot water and let it air dry daily. Replace the lens case every three months to reduce the risk of contamination.

Handling and Insertion

Always handle hard contact lenses with clean, dry hands. Avoid touching the lenses with your nails to prevent scratches. When inserting the lenses, use the pad of your finger to place them on your eye gently. Blink several times to ensure the lenses are centred correctly.

Replacement and Check-ups

Hard contact lenses have a longer lifespan than soft lenses, typically lasting one to two years. However, regular eye exams are necessary to ensure the lenses fit well and that your eyes remain healthy.

Multifocal Lenses Care

Cleaning Routine

Multifocal lenses, designed to correct presbyopia by providing multiple focal points, require careful cleaning to maintain clarity and comfort. Use a recommended cleaning solution to remove any deposits from the lenses daily. Gently rub and rinse the lenses to ensure all debris is removed.

Disinfection and Storage

Clean multifocal lenses by soaking them in a disinfecting solution overnight. Use a fresh solution each time, and never reuse an old solution. Store the lenses in a clean case, ensuring the case is replaced every three months.

Handling Precautions

Wash your hands with soap and water before handling multifocal lenses. Avoid using any lotions or creams that can transfer to the lenses. Insert the lenses before applying any eye makeup and remove them before taking off makeup to prevent contamination.

Replacement and Monitoring

Follow the replacement schedule recommended by your optometrist. Multifocal lenses may need to be replaced monthly, bi-weekly, or daily, depending on the type. Regular eye exams are essential to monitor your eyes’ health and the lenses’ effectiveness.


Properly caring for and maintaining your contact lenses, whether they are night lenses, hard contact lenses, or multifocal lenses, is necessary. This process is essential for lenses’ longevity and your eyes’ health. You can minimise the risk of infections, discomfort, and vision problems by following the recommended cleaning, disinfection, storage, and handling processes. It is also advisable to consult with your eye care professional and schedule regular check-ups to ensure eye health.

Visit Menicon to stop compromising on your eye health and vision.

By Skyler West

Piper Skyler West: Piper, a sports medicine expert, shares advice on injury prevention, athletic performance, and sports health tips.