Ageing is inevitable. So is losing someone and our beloved. As your loved ones age, it is crucial to be aware of the signs and symptoms of dementia, especially considering that dementia is particularly common for elders. Dementia, a condition affecting memory, thinking, and behaviour, can significantly impact the lives of patients and their families. Because the population of elderly dementia patients in Singapore is growing, it becomes even more important to recognise the warning signs and seek appropriate care and support. 

Recognising the early indications of dementia is crucial for timely diagnosis and intervention. This allows individuals to receive the support and care they need. Explore the ten key warning signs to look out for in elderly dementia patients in Singapore and ensure the well-being of your loved ones.


1. Memory Loss: One of the earliest signs of dementia is memory loss. This warning sign disrupts daily life. Pay attention if your loved one often forgets important dates, events, or recently learned information. Does your elderly dementia elder in Singapore repeatedly ask for the same information over and over again? If so, take it as a sign of the said condition!

2. Difficulty with Routine Tasks: An inability to complete familiar tasks can also indicate dementia. Think of cooking, dressing, or following a regular schedule. Watch for signs of confusion or frustration when performing once-familiar activities. Consider asking for help from a dementia care provider.

3. Language and Communication Problems: Is your elder struggling to find the right words? Do they forget common words? Or, say, experiencing difficulty in following conversations? These are common language and communication difficulties experienced by elderly dementia patients in Singapore. They may also repeat themselves or have trouble expressing thoughts coherently.

4. Disorientation and Confusion: Have you noticed how elderly individuals with dementia often become disoriented? They are more confused about time, place, or people. They may get lost in familiar surroundings. Sometimes, elderly dementia patients in Singapore have difficulty recognising familiar faces.

5. Impaired Judgment and Decision-Making: Elderly dementia patients in Singapore may exhibit poor judgement and decision-making skills. They might show a lack of concern for personal hygiene. Sometimes, they dress inappropriately for the weather. But more than that, they also make poor financial choices.

6. Mood and Personality Changes: Sudden and unexplained changes in mood and personality can be indicative of dementia. Look out for increased irritability, anxiety, depression, or uncharacteristic aggression in your elderly dementia loved ones in Singapore.

7. Withdrawal from Social Activities: Elderly individuals with dementia may gradually withdraw from social activities and hobbies they once enjoyed. They may feel overwhelmed by their symptoms or struggle to follow conversations. This is the reason why elderly dementia patients in Singapore often lead to a sense of isolation.

8. Misplacing Items and Difficulty Retracing Steps: People with dementia often misplace items and struggle to retrace their steps. Keep an eye out for instances where your loved one accuses others of stealing or begins placing objects in unusual locations. If they often misplace some items, consider consulting a dementia care provider for help.

9. Changes in Visual Perception: Dementia patients may experience changes in visual perception. They often have difficulty judging distances. Sometimes, they struggle with identifying colours and contrasts. Elderly dementia patients in Singapore may have trouble reading or interpreting visual information.

10. Decline in Problem-Solving Skills: A decline in problem-solving abilities can be a sign of dementia. Your loved one may find it challenging to manage finances, count changes, or follow recipes. Elderly dementia patients in Singapore also struggle with planning and organising tasks. 

If you notice any of these signs in your elderly loved ones, it is crucial to seek a dementia care provider promptly. Early diagnosis and intervention can significantly improve the quality of life for individuals with dementia. Consult Orange Valley for a comprehensive assessment and guidance on appropriate care options. Contact our website today!

By Skyler West

Piper Skyler West: Piper, a sports medicine expert, shares advice on injury prevention, athletic performance, and sports health tips.