Women’s health can easily decline due to many biological reasons. However, among the many women’s health concerns, pregnancy is given the utmost priority due to its life-threatening nature. Thankfully, healthcare facilities for women, including obstetrics and gynaecology (O&G) clinics, are prepared to address different aspects of maternal health, guaranteeing that both the mother and the baby receive medical care during the pregnancy process.

Discover the services provided by many O&G clinics in Singapore, guiding expectant mothers on what they can avail of to ensure the security of themselves and their little ones.

Prenatal Care Services

Regular Check-ups and Monitoring

Women’s clinics prioritise regular check-ups for expecting mothers. These check-ups are necessary for monitoring the health of both mother and baby. Routine visits typically include ultrasound scans, blood tests, and urine tests to track the baby’s growth and detect potential complications early.

Nutritional Guidance and Supplements

Proper nutrition is a requirement during pregnancy. Gynae clinics provide nutritional counselling, helping expecting mothers understand their dietary needs. Doctors also recommend appropriate supplements such as folic acid, iron, and calcium to support the health of both the mother and the developing foetus.

Prenatal Screening and Diagnostic Tests

O&G clinics offer various prenatal screening tests to ensure the baby’s well-being. These include non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT), amniocentesis, and chorionic villus sampling (CVS). These tests screen for genetic conditions and chromosomal abnormalities, providing vital information about the baby’s health.

Specialised Care for High-Risk Pregnancies

Monitoring Techniques

High-risk pregnancies require specialised attention. Women’s clinics employ monitoring techniques such as ultrasound scans, Doppler studies, and foetal echocardiography to observe the baby’s development and detect any issues early.

Multidisciplinary Approach

A multidisciplinary approach is often adopted for high-risk pregnancies. This process involves collaboration between obstetricians, maternal-foetal medicine specialists, endocrinologists, and other healthcare professionals. This team-based approach ensures holistic care for both mother and baby.

Labour and Delivery Services

Birth Plan Assistance

Many women’s clinics assist expecting mothers in creating a birth plan. This plan outlines the mother’s preferences for labour and delivery, including pain management options, preferred delivery methods, and any specific concerns or requests. A birth plan helps the medical team to align their care with the mother’s expectations.

Labour Induction and Pain Management

Women’s clinics in Singapore provide various options in cases where labour induction is necessary, including medication or mechanical methods. Additionally, pain management is an essential aspect of labour and delivery. Clinics offer a range of pain relief options, including epidurals, spinal blocks, and non-medical techniques such as breathing exercises and water therapy.

Emergency Obstetric Care

Women’s clinics are also equipped to handle emergencies that may arise during labour and delivery. These emergencies include emergency C-sections, management of postpartum haemorrhage, and other obstetric emergencies. The availability of medical staff and equipment ensures prompt and effective care in critical situations.

ALSO READ: 8 Tips When Choosing an ObGyn

Postnatal Care and Support

Postpartum Check-ups

Postnatal care is essential for the mother’s recovery after childbirth. Women’s clinics provide routine postpartum check-ups to monitor the mother’s physical and emotional well-being. These visits typically include physical examinations, discussions about breastfeeding, and mental health assessments to identify any signs of postpartum depression.

Lactation Consulting

Breastfeeding support is a primary component of postnatal care. Gynae clinics offer lactation consulting services to help new mothers with breastfeeding techniques, resolving common breastfeeding issues, and ensuring the baby is feeding adequately. This support is essential for both mother and baby’s health.

Postpartum Rehabilitation

Recovery after childbirth can be challenging. Many O&G clinics provide postpartum rehabilitation services, including pelvic floor physiotherapy, nutritional counselling, and exercise programs to help new mothers regain strength and physical well-being.

Additional Support Services

Parenting Classes and Workshops

Many women’s clinics also offer parenting classes and workshops to prepare for parenthood. These sessions cover different topics, including newborn care, breastfeeding, and parenting tips. These classes help expecting parents feel more confident and prepared for the arrival of their baby.

Emotional and Mental Health Support

Pregnancy and the postpartum period can be emotionally challenging. Women’s clinics provide access to mental health support services, including counselling and therapy, to help mothers cope with anxiety, depression, and other emotional issues. Ensuring mental well-being is a vital aspect of comprehensive maternal care.


Women’s clinics provide a diverse array of services catered to expectant mothers. These services encompass prenatal care, specialised care for high-risk pregnancies, labour and delivery assistance, postnatal care, and supplementary support services. With their offerings of services and assistance, gynae in Singapore surely play a critical role in safeguarding the health and welfare of the mother and the baby throughout the pregnancy journey.

Contact SMG Women’s Health, and allow us to support you through every step of your pregnancy journey.

By Skyler West

Piper Skyler West: Piper, a sports medicine expert, shares advice on injury prevention, athletic performance, and sports health tips.