Pregnancy is one of the most special experiences in your life, so you’ll want to treasure every moment.

However, at times you may experience stress or fear if you feel left in the dark about how your baby is developing.

To ensure that these nine months remain stress-free, you can enlist the help of private maternity services.

By employing a private midwife service, you will have access to things that you wouldn’t get when opting for government-funded maternity care.

With your very own private maternity care package you can get a personalised service and additional support that will comfort you during the most stressful periods of your pregnancy.

If you’re currently looking to get pregnant, read on to discover how a private midwife service and your own pregnancy plan, can benefit you.

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Ideal for high-risk pregnancy

Private maternity care services allow you to build personal relationships with those assisting you.

By having continued care from the same team, you’ll feel comfortable around your healthcare professionals at all times. This will ensure that you are calmer when it comes to the baby’s arrival.

Being stress-free is not only beneficial to your own health, but your baby’s too, so by employing a midwife service, you’ll be more prepared for childbirth.

This service is also reassuring for those undergoing a high-risk pregnancy, as you may require more attention and additional planning. Having a midwife on hand can result in any reservations you have being answered quickly.

Consistent observation

One of the most fulfilling moments of pregnancy is getting the opportunity to see your baby grow.

When you opt for a private maternity care, you’re entitled to consistent scans for peace of mind.

When you invest in this service, you will not only get the standard 12 and 20-week scans, but you’ll also have access to other forms of testing such as a private antenatal scan, or 4D and anomaly scans if they’re required or recommended to you.

You would also be entitled to standard blood tests and the Harmony Test, which can reveal whether your baby is facing a potential birth defect.

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Greater support

One of the greatest benefits about investing in a private midwife service is that you get a wonderful amount of support, from the initial planning up to the birth itself.

The whole purpose of the additional support is to help you feel educated on all aspects of pregnancy, allowing you to rest assured about how things are going.

Private maternity services are there to assist you from your first trimester through to the third.

If you’re concerned about going through pregnancy, this service is ideal for you.

The relationship between midwife and patient is an important one, and to make sure your pregnancy is completely tailored to your needs, having private maternity care to assist you at all ports of call is invaluable.

Private midwife packages vary in price, but costs can include parent education lessons, acupuncture and additional counselling.

By Skyler West

Piper Skyler West: Piper, a sports medicine expert, shares advice on injury prevention, athletic performance, and sports health tips.