Eczema, a chronic inflammatory skin condition prevalent in Singapore, demands nuanced understanding and meticulous management. Addressing misconceptions is pivotal for effective treatment. Below, we delve into eight prevalent myths surrounding eczema treatment in Singapore, providing comprehensive insights and debunking inaccuracies:

Eczema Can Be Cured Completely

One of the most persistent misconceptions is the belief that eczema can be permanently cured. Contrary to popular belief, eczema is a chronic condition characterised by recurrent flare-ups and periods of remission. While various treatments can effectively alleviate symptoms and manage the condition, achieving a complete and permanent cure remains rare. Dermatologists in Singapore stress the importance of long-term management strategies rather than seeking a singular cure.

All Eczema Creams Are the Same

A common misunderstanding is that all eczema creams in Singapore offer similar effectiveness. In reality, Singapore provides a diverse range of creams tailored to different types of eczema and varying degrees of severity. Consulting with a dermatologist is crucial to determine the most appropriate cream based on individual skin sensitivities and specific eczema manifestations. This personalised approach ensures optimal treatment outcomes and minimises the risk of adverse reactions.

Eczema Body Washes Can Substitute for Creams

Some individuals mistakenly believe that using eczema-specific body washes alone can suffice as a treatment regimen. While these products play a supportive role by gently cleansing and soothing the skin, they do not replace the essential role of moisturisers or prescribed creams in eczema management. In Singapore, eczema body washes are formulated to be gentle and non-irritating, complementing but not substituting topical treatments recommended by dermatologists.

Over-the-Counter Eczema Products Are Always Safe

The accessibility of over-the-counter eczema products in Singapore may lead to the misconception that they are universally safe and effective. However, the safety and efficacy of these products can vary significantly. Without professional guidance from a dermatologist, there is a risk of exacerbating symptoms or delaying appropriate treatment. Dermatologists emphasise the importance of seeking medical advice before initiating any new treatment regimen to ensure optimal results and minimise potential side effects.

Herbal Remedies Alone Can Treat Eczema

There exists a belief that herbal remedies or alternative therapies alone can effectively treat eczema without conventional medical interventions. While some individuals may experience temporary relief from certain herbal treatments, their efficacy in managing eczema’s underlying inflammation is inconsistent and not supported by robust scientific evidence. Dermatologists advocate for evidence-based treatment approaches that integrate complementary therapies under medical supervision for comprehensive eczema management in Singapore.

Eczema Sprays Provide Instant Relief

Eczema sprays are marketed for their convenience and promise of quick relief, but their efficacy can vary depending on the severity of the eczema and individual skin response. In Singapore, these sprays may contain moisturising agents or medications aimed at reducing inflammation. However, achieving desired outcomes requires consistent application and adherence to treatment protocols prescribed by dermatologists. Instant relief may not always be feasible, underscoring the importance of patience and persistence in eczema management.

Eczema Is Solely a Skin Problem

Beyond its physical manifestations, eczema profoundly impacts mental health and overall quality of life. Individuals in Singapore living with eczema often experience emotional distress, including anxiety, depression, or social isolation, due to visible symptoms and discomfort. Dermatologists emphasise the necessity of holistic treatment approaches that address both the physical symptoms and the psychological impact of eczema. Support groups, counselling, and stress management techniques are integral components of comprehensive eczema care in Singapore.

Eczema Treatment Doesn’t Require Lifestyle Changes

Effectively managing eczema in Singapore necessitates lifestyle adjustments beyond medication alone. Environmental factors such as humidity levels, allergens, stress, and dietary habits can trigger eczema flare-ups and impact treatment outcomes. Dermatologists advocate for identifying and minimising triggers, adopting a skincare routine tailored to individual needs, and using hypoallergenic products. Integrating these lifestyle modifications with prescribed medical treatments optimises long-term eczema management and enhances quality of life.


Dispelling misconceptions about eczema treatment in Singapore is essential for empowering individuals to make informed decisions about their skincare and treatment regimens. By debunking myths and promoting evidence-based practices, individuals can navigate eczema management more effectively under the guidance of dermatologists. Personalised care, adherence to prescribed treatments, and proactive management of triggers are integral to achieving optimal outcomes in managing eczema within Singapore’s unique climate and environmental context.

Contact AweMed Series to learn more misconceptions about eczema treatment in Singapore.

By Skyler West

Piper Skyler West: Piper, a sports medicine expert, shares advice on injury prevention, athletic performance, and sports health tips.