You get along in life pretty well. You are rarely ill and are able to meet your commitments to work and family. In recent years, however, you have noticed an increased in the number of times you’ve been taken down by acute bloating. The latter is one of the worst things that can happen to anyone. Bloating hits you right in the stomach. It is a pernicious condition that drains those who suffer from it of all their energy. When you are bloated you cannot think. You cannot work, perform, be productive, or even move. The more severe cases of it can take you down hard.

Bloating occurs when there is too much gas in the intestine, abnormal levels of bacteria in the intestine, food intolerance, imbalance of microbacteria, and other causes. When you are bloated, your digestive track is not working properly. The muscles in it contract and food moves too slowly, which means your stomach does not empty fast enough. This is what causes all the pain and discomfort. Food is stuck in your stomach and cannot move out as it should.

A mild and limited case of bloating can be easily dealt with by taking over-the-counter medicine. The more severe cases require more serious medical attention. If you are bloated for days on end, then you should see a doctor. You should also see a doctor if bloating has become a chronic condition.

Some people have over-sensitive stomachs and a natural pre-disposition to IBS and other such problems. However, if you have not had problems with bloating before and you suddenly suffer from acute cases of it, something is definitely wrong and you should have yourself checked out.

Seeing a physician is the first step. Your doctor can carry out stool analysis, blood workup, abdominal x-rays, gastric emptying tests, and other such analyses. Your doctor can also prescribe medicine that will alleviate some of the symptoms. Although there is no universal treatment or cure for bloating, your doctor can treat the symptoms and help get you some relief.

One of the things your doctor might instruct you to do is to take probiotics. These are dietary supplements that help balance the existing bacteria in your intestines. Most dieticians and physicians recommend them as a natural and effective way of keeping your stomach in a healthy condition.

There are other things you can to reduce the risk of bloating. Your doctor will advise you to eat fiber, fruit, and vegetables regularly. Doing so will maintain the health and strength of your stomach. These foods will keep your bowels moving and help maintain a good bacterial balance in your stomach.

You do not want to go to the doctor every time you feel unwell. It is a waste of time and may be a waste of money. However, bloating does not get any better if left untreated. To stop such pain from arising in the first place you must take positive and decisive action. Only then will you feel better.

Do you have a severe pain in your stomach? Do you think you need the help of a physician? Find out when you should visit a doctor for your bloating ?

By Skyler West

Piper Skyler West: Piper, a sports medicine expert, shares advice on injury prevention, athletic performance, and sports health tips.