All you Chicagoans out there looking for some healthy and fun activity, here we are nestled at the North State Street offering the age-old yoga with an urban newness (our jolly teachers unlike the age-old strict gurus) infused classes. The classes are segregated at the most basic level into three types first for the beginners, Deep Stretch Classes where deep breathing exercises known as pranayama are taught along with a few stretching asanas, for the newbies to get the hang it is started with the most minimalistic asana, and slowly the bar is raised. The second type is Flow and Hot Yoga where the temperature is increased so that the body sweats increasing the efficiency of the practice also the extra sweat helps the skin glow even more. Besides the heat even the poses taught require higher flexibility and strength and are recommended to those who are practicing it for a while. The last is an advanced version called Power Yoga which is challenging and equally beneficial, it requires extremely high energy levels and practices.

We are open to all age group, you could be a student and drop in right after your college to improve your concentration and flexibility or could be a working professional hitting the class up early before the official time to relieve stress and anxiety or a retired fellow walking in and soaking in the happy, positive vibes of our course. Tell your problems to our friendly teachers and without judging they will suggest a perfect yoga remedy to all your problems.

An apple a day in the mad city of Chicago might not be enough anymore to keep the doctor away but a hobby like yoga day from Gold Coast Studio will surely keep not just the doctor along with other negative things away.

We also hold workshops for further practice in the particular area such as Headstand + Handstand workshop, Restorative Yoga Workshop Yoga Teacher Training Workshop, etc.  For more visit our website and learn more.

By Skyler West

Piper Skyler West: Piper, a sports medicine expert, shares advice on injury prevention, athletic performance, and sports health tips.