End-patient care has been deemed as support for people who would be in the last years, months, or days of their life. End of life care should assist you until you die. You should rest assured to die with dignity. It would be pertinent to mention here that the people providing your care should inquire you about your preferences and wishes.

They should take these into account, as they would work with you for planning your care in the right manner possible. They should support your careers, family, or other people who would be imperative to you.

You would be having the right to express your wishes about where you look forward to receiving care and where you actually wish to die. You could receive an end of life care at home or for that matter in care homes, hospitals or hospices, based on your preferences and needs.

What to expect from End-Patient care

People looking forward to approaching the end of life have been entitled to high-quality End-patient care [ การดูแลผู้ป่วยระยะสุดท้าย, Which is the term in Thai ] regardless, where they wish to be cared for. Let us delve on what to expect from end-patient care.

Who would provide you with end-patient care?

Different social and health care professionals might be entailed in end-patient care based on your requirements. For instance, hospital doctors along with nurses, community nurses, your general practitioner, counselors, and hospice staff would all be involved along with complementary therapists, occupational therapists, physiotherapists, chaplains, and social care staff.

In the event of you being cared for in the care home and at home, your general practitioner has overall responsibility for your overall care needs. It would be pertinent to mention here that community nurses would visit you at your home. Moreover, family and friends would be involved in caring for you closely as well.

When does end-patient care begin?

End of life should begin when you would need it and might last a couple of days or months or years. You should rest assured to make the most of End-patient care in several different situations. Most of them would be expected to die within the next couple of hours or days. However, others would receive end-patient care over several months.

These would be inclusive of:

  • People having an incurable disease
  • People having co-existing condition along with being frail
  • People having existing conditions and being at risk of dying from crisis
  • People having a life-threatening condition caused by stroke or accident

You should rest assured to make the most of the care options provided by end-patient care assistants.

By Skyler West

Piper Skyler West: Piper, a sports medicine expert, shares advice on injury prevention, athletic performance, and sports health tips.