Annually, there are millions of neurological disorder cases that are reported, and many of these end up limiting the abilities of those affected from having happy and healthy lives. There are a lot of reasons why this happens, but it all boils down to when the condition is detected and treatment initiated. For many patients, the problem of late diagnosis is what greatly limits the effectiveness of the treatment received as the condition is discovered when it at an advanced stage. Fortunately, there have been advancements in the MRI protocol that are reversing this unfortunate norm that has for long dictated the market.

The coming of NeuroQuant, the FDA cleared software has been the winning-edge when it comes to neurological conditions as it has significantly boosted the efficiency of magnetic resonance imaging. This software is used for volumetric analysis of the brain structures after the tests have been conducted for an accurate report. Instead of having to be limited to the traditional methods that required an extended period for the analysis to be complete, the software completes the analysis in a matter of minutes. A report is then generated for the physician to instantly use as it provides a clear picture of the patient’s current condition.

Since the early detection of neurological conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease often results in timely treatment and better consideration of the future, NeuroQuant imaging allows for adequate preparation. This is because, according to the recent studies on Alzheimer’s disease, it has been shown that the condition is highly likely to cause measurable and distinct changes to the brain before the symptoms are realized. As such, individuals who undergo the diagnostic test using NeuroQuant assisted MRI will be able to determine whether or not they have the condition before it manifests itself.

It is not just the early diagnosis that makes NeuroQuant imaging practical for both patients and clinicians but the fact that it equally comes handy for continuous monitoring of the patient. It is vital for all patients undergoing treatment for neurological disorders to be continuously monitored to determine the effectiveness of the treatment. NeuroQuant makes this possible as the software allows for a patient initial data to be instantly compared to the current state, which is then printed out on the same report. This eliminates all guesswork and gives clinical assessments a quantitative backing that makes it easier to have better care of the patient.

The use of NeuroQuant imaging is not only efficient for detection of Alzheimer’s disease but in the diagnosis of patient’s with symptoms related to memory and cognition. This is because it provides an objective measurement of the brain volume that can be used for determining lots of other factors. The volumetric analysis is compared to the standard volumes expected of individuals of the particular sex, age, and cranial volume. It therefore clearly shows whether the brain is asymmetrical, deformed, or atrophied, allowing for more accurate diagnoses. Individuals who have suffered from traumatic brain injuries will benefit from these analyses that are highly detailed and greatly aid the physician in determining effective treatment options.

By Skyler West

Piper Skyler West: Piper, a sports medicine expert, shares advice on injury prevention, athletic performance, and sports health tips.