It is no secret that the cannabis plant comes in many different variations. In fact, when purchasing the plant, many might notice how cannabis is usually divided into three groups, namely the Cannabis Sativa, the Cannabis Indica, and the Cannabis Ruderalis.

Not only are these three distinguished through their distinct appearances but also because of the different effects they produceon the mind and body;

To expand on this subject, here are a few things you need to know about the three:

  1. Cannabis Sativa

Known for their long, narrow leaves and light green complex, the Sativa is the most common type of cannabis people use to smoke. Given its height, which could grow up to 20 feet, this plant ismost often grown outside and are perfect for areas with hot climate.

To consume, the sativa needs to be dried and cooked. Others, however, prefer to just merely vaporize or smoke the strain. The plant is also recognized to have higher THC level compared to other types, making it an unfit candidate for most medicinal purposes. However, it is still proven to have anti-anxiety and anti-depressant qualities, along with the ability to enhance one’s focus and creativity.

  1. Cannabis Indica

In contrast to Sativa, the Indica is described to be short and bushy, measuring only up to 3 to 6 feet only. It has wide round leaves and is stickier to the touch compared to Sativa plants.

Moreover, unlike the previous type, Indica plants have low THC counts but have higher CBD content. This makes it the regular candidate for medical marijuana research.

Among its numerous effects on the body include extreme relaxation, reduced pain and nausea, and increased in appetite. Given tits intensely relaxing effects, it is most often advised to be consumed at night to experience a perfect good night sleep.

  1. Cannabis Ruderalis

While the first two types are well-known and mostoften available in all cannabis shops, the cannabis ruderalis stands in a quite lower position. Measuring only 20 to 25 inches, this small cannabis is known to have thick foliage and is typically found in the northern regions.

According to Jorge Cervantes, author of The Cannabis Encyclopedia, “Botanists disagree as to whether c. ruderalis qualifies as a separate species or subspecies.”

One feature that mainly distinguishes Ruderalis from the other two is that it is not highly psychotropic and has a very low level of THC. Moreover, Ruderalis is also described to have a different flowering cycle, in which plants are induced according to their maturity, assuming the name “Autoflowering” strains.

Have you found the right type of cannabis to purchase? To know more about the different cannabis types that compose the spectrum, do not hesitate to ask your local marijuana expert today!

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By Skyler West

Piper Skyler West: Piper, a sports medicine expert, shares advice on injury prevention, athletic performance, and sports health tips.