Communicating with persons with dementia can be difficult. However, it can be learned. Brushing up on your communication skills will surely make caregiving less stressful. It will also help in building a quality relationship with your loved one. Memory care facilities in South Lake Tahoe CA have caregivers equipped with the skills to communicate effectively and efficiently with dementia patients

  1. Set the mood aright

Your attitude and body language communicate your feelings and thoughts. Words do the same thing, but only less. All these should be used to communicate to dementia patients. Speaking to your loved one pleasantly will certainly improve interactions.

  1. Secure Their Attention

As much as possible, limit distractions and noise. Ensure you have their attention before you say any word. If he or she is seated, you should do the same as well. Always make sure to maintain eye contact when discussing.

  1. State Your Message Clearly

Don’t communicate using obscure words. Don’t be in haste to speak your mind. You need to be calm and talk to them in a reassuring tone. Desist from ever raising your voice. Instead, lower the pitch of your voice. Using the names of familiar people and places instead of pronouns will be helpful as well.

  1. Ask the simple Questions

Don’t ask too many questions at a time. And if you ever have to ask a question, make it simple. Preferably, questions that can be answered with a simple yes or no

  1. Pay Close Attention

In waiting for their reply, you will have to be patient. If it appears like she is struggling for an answer, you can help out by completing the sentence for them or suggesting the right word.

  1. Break down activities into actionable steps

If they are struggling with assigned activities, break them into several steps. This will make the task easier for them. Encourage them to do everything possible to accomplish the task.

  1. Remind them of Good Memories

Taking them back in time and bring back good old memories is something most dementia patient relish. Due to their conditions, they may not remember what happened a few minutes ago. But they can give you detailed information on what happened several decades ago. It’s surprising. In such a case, avoid questions related to activities that happened recently. Instead, take them back in time to when they had their memory intact. Ask them questions from their distant past as you are more likely to get answers.

  1. 8. Express your sense of humor

Employ the use of humor whenever you get the chance. Be careful not to do this at your personal expense. Dementia patients do not forget their learned social skills and as such can laugh too.

This communication tips will come in handy when dealing with your loved one suffering from dementia. This is irrespective of whether they are at home or in a memory care facility.

By Skyler West

Piper Skyler West: Piper, a sports medicine expert, shares advice on injury prevention, athletic performance, and sports health tips.