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A person gets affected by eye allergy when the eyes come in contact with an allergen that makes the immune system of the body to overreact. The eye becomes sore. The immune system releases histamine through mast cells. The blood vessels expand resulting in secretion of tears. Allergic conjunctivitis is very different from infective conjunctivitis. Eye allergies can also be caused by cosmetics. guides you on the causes, symptoms, and treatment for eye allergy.

Types of eye allergy

  • Seasonal conjunctivitis: The most common allergen that causes eye allergy is pollen. It usually happens in the summer and spring season. During this period the plants, grass, and flowers are in pollen. Seasonal conjunctivitis is also known as hay fever.
  • Contact conjunctivitis: These are generally caused by the use of cosmetics, eye-drops, and other chemicals. When the eye comes in contact with this outsider substance can cause an allergic response. Some people may be sensitive to certain specific substances.
  • Giant papillary conjunctivitis: These are caused by wearing of contact lenses. Contact lenses can cause discomfort in the eyes resulting in eye allergy. It can even become worse if not treated on time. It may also occur when a person after eye surgery uses hard lenses.

Diagnosis and symptoms of an eye allergy

The physician will diagnose eye allergy by examining the patient. The patient must inform the signs and symptoms to the doctor. The doctor will also consider other conditions are having similar symptoms. Some common symptoms that help to diagnose conjunctivitis are sensitivity to light, red eyes and painful eyes.

  • Itchiness: As the eye gets infected it may start itching. Rubbing of the eye can worsen the condition of itchiness.
  • Soreness: Conjunctivitis may make the eye area feel sore. The soreness may even feel like burning.
  • Red eyes: The blood vessels of the eye widens, leading to the irritation in the eyes. The eyes may become red because of the irritation.

By Skyler West

Piper Skyler West: Piper, a sports medicine expert, shares advice on injury prevention, athletic performance, and sports health tips.