Some people think that the answer to the question “how can diet reverse and stop heart disease” is to stick to a very strict lifestyle. This approach is not sustainable, however, and may not be appropriate for everyone. Preventive cardiologists, such as Lori Mosca, director of preventive cardiology at New York-Presbyterian Hospital, say that lifestyle changes can help slow down the progression of heart disease, not cure it. Dr. Dean Ornish agrees, saying that it’s better to slow down the onset of heart disease than to fully reverse it.

Plant-based diets reduce heart disease risk

According to a new study, a high-plant-based diet may reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases. The results of the study showed that people who consumed more plant-based foods had a 32% lower risk of cardiovascular disease. Compared with non-vegetarians, the diets of high plant-based food consumers had a 27% lower risk of cardiovascular disease. They were also 25% less likely to die of any cause.

Exercise improves heart health

Cardiovascular disease is the number one killer in the United States. While there’s no sure-fire way to prevent heart disease, there are steps you can take to reduce your risk. Exercise is one such step. By increasing circulation, your heart rate and force will increase, which will help deliver oxygenated blood to your muscles faster. Ultimately, your heart will be healthier as a result. In addition to improving your heart’s health, exercise can also help reverse certain risk factors associated with heart disease.

Foods low in sodium, saturated fat, cholesterol, and trans fat

While the total amount of fat is important to prevent heart disease, it is not the type of fat that is critical. Instead, opt for polyunsaturated or monounsaturated fats. While trans fats are a problem in the United States, they are naturally present in many meats and dairy products. Although there is no safe amount of trans fat, any amount is detrimental.

Mediterranean diet

A new study has concluded that a Mediterranean diet is effective in reversing and stopping heart disease. In the study, nearly seven thousand men and women with high-risk CVD were assigned to one of three diets: a Mediterranean diet with two variants, or a low-fat diet. These dietary targets are summarized in Table 1.


A cup of blueberries a day could prevent cardiovascular diseases. Cardiovascular diseases are one of the most common causes of death in the UK, with over 200,000 people dying every year from the condition. Lifestyle changes, such as eating a balanced diet and exercising regularly, can help prevent and reverse cardiovascular disease. Researchers have been looking into how certain foods and their phytochemicals affect our health for several years, and blueberries are one of them.

Whole grains

The health benefits of whole grains are numerous, with several of the most well-known being their ability to lower cholesterol and blood pressure. In addition, they are loaded with essential nutrients, including B vitamins and selenium. Furthermore, these foods are an excellent source of protein. Moreover, whole grains can also help to reduce the waistline, a common cause of heart disease. And as a bonus, they are easily substituted for refined grains.

Leafy greens

Eating a healthy diet that includes leafy greens is an effective way to prevent and reverse heart disease. They are an excellent source of dietary nitrates, which help to support free-flowing blood vessels and improve arterial function. Leafy greens contain a number of micronutrients, including folate. Folate is an essential nutrient for the cardiovascular system, and it lowers homocysteine levels, a substance that damages the lining of blood vessels and increases the risk of developing heart disease.

By Skyler West

Piper Skyler West: Piper, a sports medicine expert, shares advice on injury prevention, athletic performance, and sports health tips.